Developmental Program
Weekly Music Specialist for all Programs
2, 3 or 5 Half-Day Nursery, Preschool,
and Pre-K Programs
Mornings or Afternoons
Extended Day Program until 2:30
There is a staggered drop off/pick up schedule.
Children are assigned one of the following time frames:
Morning Session Hours:
8:30 – 11:30 or 8:45 – 11:45 (3 hours)
Afternoon Session Hours:
12:00 – 3:00 (3 hours)
Early morning drop-off and/or Lunch Stay are available for an additional fee.
We follow a predictable routine, which provides security and stability for the children. The daily schedule is flexible and responsive to children’s individual needs for rest and active play, allowing time and support for transitions.
Large Group Time
This is primarily transition time prior to small groups. Units or themes are introduced to one or two classes at a time. The Music specialist visits all classes once a week. During this time, children may partake in music, finger plays, or motor skill activities.
Story Time
At least once a day, a story is shared from a variety of well-chosen children’s literature. Stories are presented in a variety of media, including storytelling, books, flannel board stories, children’s literature audio recordings, and/or e-books.
Small Group Time
Children work in small groups with their same teacher year-round on activities elaborating on the unit introduced in the earlier large group sessions.
Children engage in developmental activities that include Social/Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, and Language Development, the Creative Arts, Health and Safety, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Children are grouped by age for these activities. Nursery School Classes are for children two years, nine months through three years who will be attending Sunshine for three years. Preschool Classes are for older three year-olds. Pre-Kindergarten Classes are for four and five year-olds who will be entering Kindergarten the following year.
Each day, children eat family-provided snack while teachers model conversation and manners.
Free Play
This is a non-structured opportunity for child–initiated play. Areas are set up with various developmental learning centers that include blocks, fine and gross motor activities, science and math, engineering, literacy and writing, art, sensory, and dramatic play.
Clean-Up Time
Children learn organizational skills, responsibility, and how to follow directions when putting games, toys, and projects away.
Outdoor Play
Children engage in gross motor activities and unstructured play in our safe play space designed for young children. They go outdoors daily unless the weather poses a health hazard (temperatures or wind chill below 20°F) or in rain.