First Aid Emergency Consent 2020-2021 Child's First Name * Child's Last Name * Date of Birth * Hospital Preferred Physician's Name * Physician's Address * Physician's Phone Number * Allergies * Chronic Health Conditions FIRST LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACT Name * FIRST PERSON TO BE CONTACTED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY (MUST BE LOCAL) Relationship to Child * motherfathergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclefriend/neighborbabysitter/nannyother Address * Cell Phone * Home Phone * Do you give permission for child to be released to this person? * yes no SECOND LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACT Name * SECOND PERSON TO BE CONTACTED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY (MUST BE LOCAL) Relationship to Child * motherfathergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclefriend/neighborbabysitter/nannyother Address * Cell Phone * Home Phone * Do you give permission for child to be released to this person? * yes no THIRD LOCAL EMERGENCY CONTACT Name * THIRD PERSON TO BE CONTACTED IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY (MUST BE LOCAL) Relationship to Child * motherfathergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclefriend/neighborbabysitter/nannyother Address * Cell Phone * Home Phone * Do you give permission for child to be released to this person? * yes no INSURANCE INFORMATION Company Name * Policy Number * Parent Name * Cell Phone * Parent Name * Cell Phone * AUTHORIZATION * I authorize Sunshine Preschool Staff who are trained in the basics of first aid/CPR to give my child first aid/CPR when appropriate. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child. However, if I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the program to transport my child and his/her medical forms to be shared with medical personnel to the nearest medical care facility and to secure necessary medical treatment for my child. Signature * Clear Email Address * reCAPTCHA Δ